What to do to limit aging eyes?

The diseases related to aging eyes can include sa da mi, dry eyes, presbyopia, cataracts . Of which, cataract and macular degeneration are the main causes of blindness.

Picture 1 of What to do to limit aging eyes?

(Photo: TTO)

The eye diseases related to aging include sa da mi (actually this is skin disease), dry eyes, perforated areas of the cornea, presbyopia, cataract, degeneration of the anterior retina, royal pores point. Two cataracts and macular degeneration are the main causes of blindness. Recently, the number of elderly people coming to the Central Eye Hospital to discover degenerative points of old age is also increased. This is an alarming issue.

Pathology of the eye due to the aging process caused as early as presbyopia. The mechanism of this situation is that the elasticity of the lens decreases due to sclerosis. Many people mistook presbyopia for farsightedness due to the way of using eyeglasses as converged eyeglasses.

The most common cause of aging in the eyes of the elderly is cataract . The turbidity process occurs in parallel with the vitreous sclerosis causing gradual vision loss and often does not cause pain. This is a benign disease, but when the lens is much cloudy, it will cause severe vision loss. Currently cataract can be resolved by surgery. The vision of a patient will usually recover well after placing an artificial lens in the eye or wearing the right number of glasses.

Old age macular degeneration is a phenomenon of central retinal injury in the elderly who is usually over 50 years old. This disease causes severe central vision loss. This is the main cause of blindness in the elderly in industrialized countries. There have been many treatments applied such as medicine, laser, surgery but generally the results are limited.

There are many measures to reduce the rate of eye aging. We should first maintain a balanced diet, rich in vitamins, especially vitamins A, B, E, eat a lot of yellow vegetables, dark green leaves to supplement the vitamins necessary for the eye to work good. Microelements such as zinc and copper with antioxidant effects are also effective in preventing eye degeneration.

Should use a wide-brimmed hat, regular use of good sunglasses with the ability to block ultraviolet rays, avoid the strong light sources shining directly into the eyes when out in the sun.

Recently, science has also shown that chondroitin - an ingredient extracted from natural shark shark cartilage, not only helps maintain the transparency of the lens and eye cornea, but also increases the herd recovery of lenses (ie vitreous lenses ) and lashes help the eyes to regulate well, limit eye fatigue, dizziness, and nourish the eyes from the inside, for long-lasting healthy eyes.

Thanks to the advancement of modern pharmaceutical industry, some eye tonic medicines have extracted natural shark shark cartilage, micronutrients (copper, zinc), vitamins . into the composition of the drug. has helped slow the aging process, preventing aging eye diseases.