'Paste' notes on the desktop to remember things

Yellow or green, red stickers have become familiar to busy people. But a messy, crumpled sticky paper can cause stress, especially when they are blown away by the wind or fan because the glue doesn't stick. That's when you can think of "prompts" on the computer screen.

Users are here to download Stickies (597 KB). After installation and activation, the Stickies icon will be located right on the system tray.

Picture 1 of 'Paste' notes on the desktop to remember things

Small sticky pieces will be available on the desktop to remind you

To create a new note, just right-click, select New Sticky and type the content there. Vietnamese characters using Unicode fonts can display well on this note. If you left click on the desktop, the note will disappear and you call them again by left-clicking the Stickies icon.

If you accidentally click the exit button (meaning deleting the sticky), you can still restore them by selecting Restore closed . A large table appears with notes closed, select the information to restore and click Restore . Users can also change the background color and font color, the font for "paper" pieces reminds this by going to Styles to choose.

The interesting thing is that you can set the timer to display a certain note to get your attention rather than letting them queue up on the desktop. On the sticky window, right-click and select Sleep for (give a note "sleep" within a few minutes or a few days and wake up) or Alarm (to set the time of "sticky" wake up). If you select Alarm , you will be awakened because this sticky will dance on the screen to remind you. When you want to see all the "sleeping" notes, right-click the program icon and select Wake sleeping .

Picture 2 of 'Paste' notes on the desktop to remember things On the sticky background, select the timer function, set the date to display. Photo: VNE
This program also has the function to remember acquaintances when you select the Friends menu. Their name, address or e-mail will be saved to help you search easily.