People can fully predict the future

The latest research by American scientists shows that the ability to predict people's future is real.

According to psychic scientists, not only is the " game" of fortune tellers. Many of us also have such supernatural abilities, ie being able to "predict the future. "

Picture 1 of People can fully predict the future
Vanga is seen as a prominent prophet with his precise predictions. (Photo: Internet)

To prove their conclusions, scientists conducted two experiments.

In the first experiment , scientists asked subjects to record new words. Then continue to ask the test subjects in every possible way to relive as many new words as possible.

Next they randomly selected a group of words from the subjects requested to memorize and print this word group. The results showed that some subjects easily memorized word groups, while others were very difficult to remember.

Surprisingly, the words of the memorized subjects were words that were printed out while the subjects did not know the number of words printed by the scientists. This shows that future events (ie printed words) affect the ability of the subjects to remember.

At the second experiment , the scientists showed students a picture on a computer screen. There were two curtains in the picture, one of the two curtains hiding an erotic picture. Experimental results show that many subjects choose curtains that contain pornography. This cannot be explained simply by " randomness ."

Because any erotic images that appear in curtains are entirely due to the random arrangement of the computer, this choice appears after the experiment subjects have made their choices. Among those who believe in supernatural powers, these students have in fact affected the event that will arise in the future.

Experimental results show that we cannot simply explain the phenomena that belong to " pure randomness. " The scientific world needs to liberate thought and open attitude towards survival. in of supernatural power.