People can write with thoughts

US scientists have developed a computer program that allows users to write letters and numbers on the screen by thinking about them.

Telegraph said, a group of neuroscientists programming a software capable of turning signals on the cortex into signals on computers. Then they implanted tiny electrodes on the cortex of two patients (by cortical incision technique). These electrodes monitor signal exchange activity between nerve cells.

The team showed patients a table of 36 cells (6 horizontal cells x 6 vertical cells), in which each cell has a letter or number. They ask patients to focus their thoughts on a single letter or number on the board.

Picture 1 of People can write with thoughts

When the patient looks at a character, the signal that the brain emits is sent to the computer via an electrode. Software to turn brain signals into electronic signals and characters appear on the computer screen.

Dr. Jerry Shih, the leader of the study, said the technique is called 'brainwave writing' (EcoG for short).

According to the Telegraph, scientists now often use techniques written in electroencephalography (placing electrodes on the scalp to record electroencephalography). However, EcoG gives much more accurate results.

'The difference in the quality of information between cortical electrical recording techniques and electroencephalography techniques is huge,' said Dr. Shih.

The team believes that their software could lead to the creation of a new form of communication for people who are paralyzed or mentally ill. It can also help scientists build artificial parts that receive commands directly from the brain, such as artificial hands and feet.

Shih said that in the future, all devices operated by human brain waves will be small enough to be implanted in the skull. In addition the software will be tailored for each individual.