Will watching TV news or crime programs make you eat too much? According to a new study in consumer research, people eat more while thinking about their own deaths.

You are doing housework and suddenly hear an inner voice urging you to call your friends. At the moment you hear his / her inner words ...

There are some cases where the owner of the tree is away or dies, the tree they love is also wilted, then dies.

Attached to the strap around his head, iBrain is part of an experiment to allow Dr. Hawking, a long-term paralysis of Lou Gehrig's disease, to communicate with the outside world

This sounds like in a fictional novel: People can interact with each other without words, just think for a moment.

Recently, the Conference of the Society

This new wheelchair type helps people with disabilities get to where they want just by thinking about the destination.

A computer has been trained to 'read' people's thoughts by looking at the brain's endoscope when they think about specific words, researchers said last Thursday.

US scientists have developed a computer program that allows users to write letters and numbers on the screen by thinking about them.

Scientists at the University of Oregon, USA, built a device that allows people to read their thoughts by scanning signals in the brain and then processing and transferring