Physicist proposed moving the Solar System to save Earth

Physicist Matthew Caplan came up with the idea of ​​moving the Solar System with a giant device that draws energy from the sun's heat.

According to Matthew Caplan, a physicist at the University of Illinois, the device could be used to move Earth when our planet is threatened by asteroids or space explosions.

"Our Sun's neighborhood is constantly changing with stars moving hundreds of kilometers per second. Only the vast distances holding objects protect us from threats out there. But they we may still encounter bad luck in the future.

At some point, we may come across a star turned into a supernova. Or a giant object flying over the Earth , " said Mr. Caplan.

Picture 1 of Physicist proposed moving the Solar System to save Earth

How the Caplan Thruster works.(Photo: Daily Mail).

According to Caplan, one possible option to avoid removing these threats is to move the entire Solar System , thereby changing the position of the Sun, pulling the Earth and objects out of position. potentially dangerous.

The Ph.D. from the University of Illinois proposed designing a giant space station called the Caplan Thruster , which takes matter from the Sun to power a rocket-like thruster.

The space station will be equipped with two nuclear engines, one to turn helium from the Sun into radioactive oxygen at 1 billion degrees Celsius to propel stars, one to turn hydrogen into a bunch of accelerating particles and shoot it back. back to the Sun, making sure the ship is not pushed towards the Sun.

Caplan believes this technology will help move the Solar System to another location in our galaxy or even beyond the Milky Way.

However, Mr. Caplan's ideas are far beyond existing technologies.

The materials needed to withstand the temperature and the force action as in this physicist's opinion didn't even exist. However, many optimists believe that with civilizations in the next hundreds, thousands of years, the idea can completely turn into reality.

Update 12 January 2020



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