Plant protein is also complete protein?

This is what you need to know if you are a vegetarian or are on a meat diet.

Those who are on a long-term, fasting diet, or are on a no-meat diet (about 30 percent of Americans are doing so - according to market research firm Mintel). be concerned about how to properly combine plant-based dishes together so that they can produce complete Protein - something that the human body needs.

But actually you don't need to worry about that much, according to Maxine Siegel, head of the CR food lab. He explained: "Although its own plant protein is not" complete ", as long as you have plenty of plant protein sources in your body, your body will help you perform the task of" perfecting "the proteins for you ".

Many people will wonder what complete protein is, especially those who are vegetarian or adopt a vegetarian diet.Complete protein is a protein source that contains all 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce fully. Amino acids are often referred to as protein building blocks because the human body will combine them to create different types of proteins needed by the body. These proteins are essential for the development of the digestive system, muscles, hair, etc., and help create different enzymes and antibodies.

Picture 1 of Plant protein is also complete protein?
Protein is an essential nutrient source for diet and overall health.

Most of us can consume enough of the complete protein without any problems. However, for vegetarians or vegetarian diets, complete protein plays an important role in their diet and health.

According to Consumer Report, animal protein - beef, pork, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs - contains all 9 essential amino acids. Some plant proteins, such as proteins found in soybeans, quinoa, Hemp seeds and buckwheat, are the complete proteins. But most plants contain only some of the 9 essential amino acids.

Dana Hunnes, Ph.D., assistant professor at UCLA School of Public Health, said: "We often think that people need to combine certain proteins - such as combining rice and beans - At the same meal to get all nine essential amino acids, we now know that you can get all nine amino acids by eating lots of everyday plants . " And if you eat animal protein, your body also helps make complete proteins.

Absorption of many plant proteins, in fact, is very good for health - according to Siegel. (Beans, cereals, lentils, nuts, and tofu are good sources of plant proteins.) In a study at Harvard Medical School, during 32 years of research, researchers found that replacing 3% of calories from animal protein with plant protein reduced the risk of diabetes by 12%. and reduce the risk of dying from any common disease . "The sources of plant proteins also provide the fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients we need in our daily menu," Siegel said.

Protein is an essential nutrient source for diet and overall health. You should try to meet your protein needs at least every day, but you don't need to be too worried and concerned about combining different types of proteins to make complete proteins. Because, as mentioned above, as long as you load healthy plant proteins, your body will help you make complete proteins.

And if you are a vegetarian or are obliged to follow a strict diet, don't worry. Because the source of protein from plants is good for health, and it helps to ensure your body gets the complete Protein needed for you to have a normal healthy life, the only problem is eating habits and Your adaptability.