Playing water slide to see ... pain in the buttocks: maybe you have been injured in the part that nobody expected

In a hot summer like this, who doesn't like to play the water slide? However, be careful because it has the potential to cause injury . making the buttocks mourn.

If you play water skiing and you feel a dull ache in your butt, go see a doctor right away because you may have been injured in a coccyx!

That is the recent revelation from the New Jersey Rutgers School of Medicine (USA). Within 2 years of research by the expert group, there were 217 cases of coccyx, of which at least 4 were due to playing water slides .

And if you don't know, the coccyx is a triangular bone, right at the bottom of the spine, not the back.

Picture 1 of Playing water slide to see ... pain in the buttocks: maybe you have been injured in the part that nobody expected
Coccyx is a triangular bone.

Going back to 4 cases of coccyx pain due to the above-mentioned water slide, listen to their " pretty " reasons:

  1. A guy who was walking on the slide was too rough, causing his butt to touch and bounce across the length of the slide, eventually leading to coccyx.
  2. A woman who slipped down the slope was too steep, she flew lightly into the air and "landed" her butt down . the bottom of the pool, causing injury.
  3. Another woman used homemade inflatable slide tubes at home and . had for years. This is the longest amputated bone pain in this study.
  4. Finally, a woman after playing water skiing with her family recurred a wound on her tailbone. She had a previous injury.

Picture 2 of Playing water slide to see ... pain in the buttocks: maybe you have been injured in the part that nobody expected
Coccyx pain due to chute play is not high.

So we can see that slippery bone pain is not high, as in this study, it is only about 2% and it is caused by abnormal slippage. Therefore, you need to watch, choose a safe slide to avoid falling from the sky.

But if you have had an injury, how will you be treated?

According to expert Pattrick Foye, patients will be given X-rays when sitting. Because despite the injury, the coccyx looked very normal when we stood.

But when a patient weighs a lot of weight on his or her body - ie sitting down and leaning back slightly - x-rays will show that the tailbone completely deviates from its original position.

Picture 3 of Playing water slide to see ... pain in the buttocks: maybe you have been injured in the part that nobody expected
Sitting for a long time, not in the correct posture can also cause coccyx pain (left).

Most coccyx injuries only cause internal pain, which may show signs of swelling outside but very rarely.

Treatment solution depends on the case. But most importantly, the patient should not put pressure directly on the coccyx. This includes not riding a horse, riding a bike or . water skiing again. In addition, they will be trained in physical therapy, and use a soft pillow to cushion when needed to sit down.

Patients may also receive numbing medicine to reduce swelling. Or sometimes, doctors will interfere with nerve fibers that cause pain, which means removing or degrading those nerve fibers.

Very few patients have to undergo surgery (less than 1%) to remove the coccyx completely. In general, tail-bone pain is not life-threatening, but inconvenient in living, causing pain when sitting for a long time.