Police recommend buying rope ladders and smoke masks in apartments

Fire ladders are a necessary item to safely escape from high locations when a fire occurs.

Fire ladders are a necessary item to safely escape from high locations when a fire occurs.

The online apartment market group of Ms. Ha (40 years old, residing in Thanh Xuan district) has a sales message that resonates with the worries of many people over the past few days: "Escape ladders with a pulling force of up to 1,000 kg are a product Necessary products for apartment buildings and high-rise buildings when an incident occurs. The wire is made of fireproof material, easy to use for both the elderly and children, with many lengths from the 10th floor to the 37th floor. ".

Many residents have placed orders even though the rope ladder is not cheap, up to nearly 5 million VND. But Ms. Ha and her husband are skeptical about the feasibility of this device with a height of up to the 37th floor as committed. "If I don't buy it, I feel insecure, but if I buy it on such a high floor, I don't know if it's really effective," she said.

This is also one of many questions readers ask about escape skills when there is a fire in an apartment. Major Nguyen Danh Luan, Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department, answered as follows:

On what floors will a rope escape ladder be effective?

People should only buy rope ladders to use on low floors, around the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors. However, it will be difficult for children to use because they need to be healthy to hold the ladder when it is tilted or the steps shake. .

For the 30th floor, Ms. Ha's family should not buy a rope ladder because at this height using a rope ladder will be very dangerous. Rope ladders when installed at a height of about 100m will be risky, users can easily fall and fall, leading to death.

Picture 1 of Police recommend buying rope ladders and smoke masks in apartments

According to Major Luan's recommendation, rope ladders should only be used on floors 5 and below. (Photo: Ngoc Thanh).

Should people buy fire extinguishers and anti-smoke masks?

For apartments, tube houses, townhouses, houses combined with production and business, it is necessary to be equipped with fire extinguishers and masks to prevent smoke and toxic gases . Families in the form of tube houses, townhouses, and houses combined with production and business should be equipped with hammers, axes, cutting pliers, and early fire warning devices to be able to early detect fires or destruction. Remove structures to escape.

When buying fire extinguishers , smoke and toxic gas masks , people need to go to reputable fire protection service establishments. When buying, people need to check the origin documents, CO (Certificate of Origin) and CQ (Certificate of Quality).

For fire extinguishers, people need to see that the warranty stamp on the shell must have the seal of the supplying company; Check the weight to see if it matches the specifications written on the bottle; Check the sealing pin, the tank shell has no scratches or has been repainted.

If the tank is in use, people must periodically check it at least once a month. With the pressure gauge needle, if it shows a red line, it must be loaded, if it shows a green line, the tank still works well.

You should also weigh the tank to see if the weight has decreased during use so that you can take measures to refill, replace.

Picture 2 of Police recommend buying rope ladders and smoke masks in apartments

Major Nguyen Danh Luan said it is necessary to clearly understand the types of fire extinguishers corresponding to the fire source to achieve high efficiency and avoid making the fire grow larger. (Photo: Ministry of Home Affairs).

Using an inappropriate fire extinguisher can make the fire bigger?

There are many types of fire extinguishers (gas cylinders, powder extinguishers, foam extinguishers). Currently, people mainly use powder extinguishers and gas cylinders.

For electrical and electronic fires, you should use a fire extinguisher because it does not damage the equipment like a powder extinguisher.

Fire extinguishers are suitable for fires in rooms, rooms, basements, and sheltered places, but are not effective for fires outside or in well-ventilated places because CO2 diffuses quickly in the air.

If used incorrectly according to the fire characteristics, the fire extinguishing effectiveness will not be high but will not make the fire grow larger.

How to distinguish different types of pots can be based on the naked eye. The small atomizer with a pressure gauge in the neck of the bottle is a powder bottle. The large spray speaker, without a pressure gauge, is an air tank.

Picture 3 of Police recommend buying rope ladders and smoke masks in apartments

Dozens of people's vehicles at the scene of a mini apartment fire in Hanoi, September 13. (Photo: Giang Huy).

In apartments, how should the charging of bicycles and electric motorbikes be organized?

For apartments and households with bicycles and electric motorbikes, the charging area must be near the entrance, well-ventilated, away from car and motorbike parking areas and supervised 24/7; Do not charge as soon as you get home . The management board should regulate the time to turn off electricity and charging in the evening.

Car owners need to do regular maintenance, replace damaged equipment with genuine parts, of clear origin, and should not equip additional items on the car (modify the car) to avoid battery overload.

Update 26 May 2024



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