Postpartum depression - Signs, causes and prevention

Women were created for the role of motherhood, which is sacred and proud for our women. But accompanied by the celestial function, there are diseases that are related to the time of childbirth. One of these diseases is postpartum depression, accounting for about 13% of mothers after childbirth.

After birth, the body has a big change in mind and physiology. The mother spent some time in the mood to look forward to her birth, glad to welcome the little angel but there is a proportion of about 85% of mothers who have transient sad feelings, also called 'baby blues'. ' with expressions such as sad and bored moods, difficulty in sleep, irritability, change in appetite, attention problems. These manifestations are common in the first few days after birth and up to a maximum of two weeks due to hormonal changes immediately after birth. But if these symptoms last more than two weeks, you have a disease that is postpartum depression.

Depression, why?

Picture 1 of Postpartum depression - Signs, causes and prevention
About 85% of mothers have transient sad feelings, also called 'baby blues'.

Immediately after birth, a rapid change in blood hormone levels, which is a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels, also decreases thyroid hormone levels, leading to fatigue, depression. The decline in hormone levels along with changes in blood pressure, immune system function and metabolic changes experienced by the postpartum mother are part of the cause of depression.

After birth, the woman also faces a lot of physical and psychological problems. The pain experienced by the process of childbirth, even caesarean section, can last a few weeks after birth. Psychological problems such as when a child is born, the body loses a significant weight, mothers often feel that they become ugly and no longer attractive. They often have to change their way of life to take care of their children, especially for first-time mothers. They are often too worried about their motherhood responsibilities.

The risk factors of postpartum depression are those with a history of depression , the disease is usually easy to relapse after birth, stress events during pregnancy or during childbirth as a difficult time in childbirth. , children born with problems of health , premature birth, or illness during pregnancy. Women with unhappy marriages or without the help of family and society are at high risk of depression.

So what is the expression of depression?

Picture 2 of Postpartum depression - Signs, causes and prevention
No strength and no motivation in life is one of the signs of postpartum depression.

If you see signs of postpartum boredom lasting more than two weeks with the following symptoms:

  1. You no longer enjoy your child.
  2. There are negative feelings for your children like disgusting children, not loving them anymore .
  3. Worried that you will do something harmful to your child.
  4. No longer care about yourself.
  5. There is no satisfaction in life.
  6. You feel no strength and no motivation in life.
  7. Feeling worthless and guilty.
  8. Loss of appetite or weight loss.
  9. Sleep less or sleep more than usual.
  10. Often thinking of death or suicide.

How will mother's depression affect her?

Children whose mothers have postpartum depression may have the following effects:

  1. Behavior issues: These children tend to have unusual behaviors, such as sleep problems, explosive behaviors, agitation and increased activity.
  2. Slow in cognitive development: These children are often slow in cognitive development, slowly speaking, slower than other children. They may also experience learning difficulties and other problems at school.
  3. Social issues: These children often have difficulties in relationships at school, with friends of the same age, children often withdraw social relationships or have unusual behaviors. .
  4. Emotional problems: These children often have low self-confidence, are anxious and fearful, more passive than other children, often dependent and are at high risk of depression and autism in children.

How to treat depression?

To treat depression, it is necessary to combine various measures: psychological therapy, hormone therapy, antidepressants.

Psychological therapy including group psychology or psychology is an effective treatment. This is the first choice therapy because there is no need to use drugs, not afraid to affect children if mothers breastfeed their babies.

Picture 3 of Postpartum depression - Signs, causes and prevention
From your pregnancy, take a break, relax, don't get too stressed and think too much.

Hormone therapy including the use of estrogen replacement is sometimes effective for postpartum depression. Estrogen hormones are used in combination with antidepressants.

For severe cases, mothers who are unable to take care of themselves and their children need to take antidepressants, but it should be noted that if breastfeeding, consideration should be given to the benefits of Use medication with side effects if breastfeeding continues and must be closely monitored by a specialist.

How to stay away from depression?

The mother-in-law remembers taking care of themselves carefully, all because of their children, not to be depressed, until then not only you are miserable but your beloved child is also affected. so many, so much.

From your pregnancy, take a break, relax, don't be too stressed and think too much about how to be a mother, we have a long time to learn.

We listen to relaxing music to help children be smart, join group meetings, forums for mothers, share and confide in sisters. And don't forget the people who always stand by you, always love you, it's your husband, your parents, your family .