Depression before birth is easy to cause depression for the next generation

(The effects of depression in pregnant women affect the child when they reach adolescence because the stress hormone in the uterus can cause 1.5 times higher risk.

- It is the 18-year-old girls whose mothers have depression during pregnancy are at risk of depression .

- This study also shows the important difference between prenatal depression and postpartum depression.

Experts are now convinced that the uterine stress hormones play a role in determining the mental health of children in later life.

Teenagers may be significantly more at risk of depression if their mother has experienced this condition while pregnant in the womb.

Researchers warn that the increased risk for 18-year-old girls may be about 1.5 times higher than for women whose mothers do not experience this condition.

Their research also explores the important difference between prenatal depression, pregnancy, and postpartum depression, affecting the mother after the baby is born.

Experts have been convinced that stress hormones in the uterus play an important role. That is because there is no link between the depressive condition that the father experiences before the child dies and the mental status of these children when they become young women.

The study analyzed pairs of parents and their children from the UK Children study of the 1990s.

Picture 1 of Depression before birth is easy to cause depression for the next generation

Leading the research group, Dr. Rebecca Pearson said, the research results have clearly identified a new risk for children who have not survived due to prenatal depression in their mothers.

'The added risk is about 1.5 times,' she said. 'Unlike postnatal depression, the mother cannot protect the child from the effects of depression, untreated when the child is still in the uterus'.

'Hormone stress, hormone type when depressed, the fetus also suffers from this hormone.'

'Research results have shown a clear difference in risk depending on whether the mother is depressed before or after birth.'

Research has found that 11% of young people born to mothers who experience depression before birth suffer from depression at age 18.

But postpartum depression only affects 7% of these women, the results of which are reported in JAMA Psychiatry.

New moms feel the pressure to do things properly, which increases their risk of depression.

A survey of 1500 mothers who experienced depression during pregnancy or postpartum said they had many worries, including money issues, emotional support and help. help take care of a new child.

When infected, 2/5 of these women did not want to leave home, 22% had thoughts of suicide and 30% said the signs had lasted more than 18 months.

The poll, from organizations including Netmums, Tommy's children's charity and Royal Royal College of Midwives, found that ¼ did not feel that they could tell a health care worker. about their depression and 40% did not treat the disease.

Sally Russell, co-founder of Netmums, said: 'It is very clear to see that when social changes with longer working hours, fewer family members live close to each other and the pressure on unharmed circumstances. For those who are new mothers to look after, operate and feel perfect, it is a real dangerous impact of this disease that may have increased. "

The risk for children born to women who are prone to prenatal depression is higher if they have lower levels of education than women who are more fully educated.

Dr. Pearson of the University of Bristol said that previous research underscored the danger to children caused by maternal medications, but added that the findings could be giving women a better idea of ​​the benefits of treating depression during pregnancy.

'There are other therapies, not necessarily drugs, but this study shows that untreated depression is very bad, not only for the mother but also for the child,' she said. adds.

Research has shown that high levels of stress hormones affect the growth of fetuses in the uterus.

The researchers said that women with depression should be intending to be treated before pregnancy, but if they become pregnant after being diagnosed with depression, this is even more important, they are treated when The disease affects the mother and the child.

Dr. Arango said the latest research results show that the results obtained with fluoxetine (or Prozac) have affected any risk. He added: 'Researchers are just beginning to realize that not the psychiatrists, psychologists or neuroscientists have the greatest impact in preventing problems. mental health - which is the most influential gynecologist ".

Professor Carmine Pariante at King's College London, argued that helping depressed pregnant women 'is not just about relieving their suffering, but also reducing the suffering of the next generation. continue '.