Unbelievable benefits from postpartum skin contact

Helping babies to suckle early, sleep well, have less crying and increase the mother-child connection right after birth is a great benefit that postpartum skin care method brings.

There are many miraculous stories that happened when the mother applied a skin-to-skin method to her baby right after birth as a baby who seemed to have died after birth suddenly opened her eyes and moved when she was cuddled on her chest. Many premature babies survived thanks to their parents incubating every day.

This is called kangaroo or postpartum skin care , which is reported to reduce mortality in premature babies from 70% to 30%. Skin to skin is not only beneficial for premature babies but also for normal newborns who receive great benefits.

Picture 1 of Unbelievable benefits from postpartum skin contact
Postpartum skin was reported to reduce uterine rate in premature babies from 70% to 30%.(illustration).

Adjust your breathing, keep your child warm

Experts said that postpartum women 's breasts can be warmer than 2 C toxins when skin is exposed to children. Therefore, after birth, if the baby is hugged by the mother on the chest, it helps to regulate the body temperature and even the mother's breath helps to regulate the baby's breathing.

Increase mother-child connection

The first hours after birth are called golden time for both mother and baby to easily connect with each other. When the mother embraces the baby on the chest, the body releases the love hormone oxytocin helps the uterus contract and recover quickly.

In addition, a recent study also said that children will recognize the taste is very sensitive when mother hugged in her heart and of course she will easily "sniff" to find her mother.

Help mother quickly recover after birth

After birth, most mothers will face signs of depression and research has shown that immediate skin-to-skin contact after birth will help minimize the risk of mother getting this disease. .

Practices such as snuggling, sucking, kissing, smelling babies . will make hormonal stimulation happy to help mothers feel more comfortable and reduce pain.

Picture 2 of Unbelievable benefits from postpartum skin contact
Skin-to-skin also helps babies to be born less crying and sleep better.(illustration).

Help baby cry less

A study published in Pediatrics also found that skin-to-skin method 3 hours a day helps babies cry less than 43%. This also indirectly helps mothers reduce stress, reduce the risk of depression.

Sleep better

Not only does it help reduce crying, skin-to-skin also helps babies sleep better and deepen, helping mothers have more time to relax and take care of themselves, reducing stress.

Beneficial for the digestive system

It seems unrelated, but studies have shown that postpartum dermal method will help the baby's digestive system become more mature. By skin contact with the skin will stimulate the growth of the villi in the baby's intestine, helping to absorb nutrients better.

In addition, this method also helps children reduce the risk of infection because early breastfeeding will receive beneficial bacteria in the milk, strengthen the immune system for the baby.

Easy to breastfeed

Many mothers face difficulties in breastfeeding after birth, but if this method is used, they will find their way to their mother. When skin is attached to the skin, the baby will suckle soon after birth and take longer.