Practice to have sexy 3 rounds thanks to 5 simple movements

Light up and down movements and weights will help women quickly achieve a round, firm, round body.

Picture 1 of Practice to have sexy 3 rounds thanks to 5 simple movements

  1. Balance the barbell on the shoulder, each side weighs 3-6kg.
  2. Two legs extended with shoulders.
  3. Take a stand-up motion 10 times so that your back is straight and when you bend down, the legs form a 90 degree angle.

Picture 2 of Practice to have sexy 3 rounds thanks to 5 simple movements

  1. Balancing hand weights with a weight of 13-18kg is perpendicular to the ground.
  2. The leg is wider than the shoulder, the toe is bent outward at a 45 degree angle.
  3. Keep your chest straight, push forward, bend your knees and perform as 1 in 10 times.

Picture 3 of Practice to have sexy 3 rounds thanks to 5 simple movements

  1. Hold the barbell in your hand.
  2. Bend and bend to form a 90-degree angle, keeping your back straight.
  3. I move with my hand to balance.

Picture 4 of Practice to have sexy 3 rounds thanks to 5 simple movements

  1. Use ball slightly as a fulcrum for the entire head and 1/3 of the back.
  2. Two legs so that people parallel to the ground.
  3. Do 10 times to move people up and down.

Picture 5 of Practice to have sexy 3 rounds thanks to 5 simple movements

  1. Use 2 hand weights, keep balance.
  2. 2 legs extended with shoulders.
  3. Turn your left foot backwards, roll down, return to the original position.
  4. Do the same with the right leg.