Prevention of corneal ulcer disease

The cornea is a transparent piece of tissue in front of the pupil. Corneal ulcers when corneal abrasions and infections. The cornea can be infected by many causes: bacteria, fungi, amoeba and viruses. Corneal ulcer is a very dangerous disease because it will leave permanent sequelae such as corneal scarring, atrophy, corneal protrusion and partial or total loss of vision.

* Corneal ulcers are injuries caused by external objects?

- True / False. Corneal ulcers usually occur after a grain injury, rice leaves, cane leaves, twigs that touch the cornea or dust, insects into the eyes or broken glass shot into the cornea . In addition to the agents outside, there are also diseases that cause corneal ulcers such as untreated, open eyelid disease caused by nerve nerve VII, goitre . Or occur after a medical mistake such as using glasses improper contact, improper administration of small drops, especially small drops with dexa when there is no indication of eye doctor .

* If corneal ulcers are treated early and properly will not leave any sequelae?

- Wrong. Corneal ulcers even if treated well, leave a scar after healing. The scar is thin or thick, big or small depending on the condition of the disease. If the corneal ulcer condition gets worse, it causes a corneal puncture. If a small hole can be self-sealed by the iris, if the hole is large, it will cause eye collapse and lead to a lateral atrophy.

Picture 1 of Prevention of corneal ulcer disease However, early detection and treatment of corneal ulcers will help reduce or prevent sequelae and help improve vision. Especially when corneal ulcers should not be closed eyes, because when the eye bandages will make the eyes hot, moist and dirty. These conditions will help bacteria grow stronger. Sunglasses can be worn to protect the eyes and help reduce eye irritation.

* When an object gets into the eye, should it not be used as a hand to scratch the cornea?

- Right . To protect the eyes when there is an object, keep blinking in a glass of clean water. If you feel you still have a foreign object, check with the eye specialist hospital.

* Red eyes due to conjunctivitis if improper care will lead to corneal ulcers?

- Right. When you have red eyes, do not use leaves or insects to cover your eyes or use a medicine with dexa to make your eyes easy to cause corneal ulcers. Patients in deep-lying and remote areas with red-eye without conditions for examination can use small drugs: Chloramphenicol, Gentamycine, Tobramycin . Absolutely do not use steroids containing corticosteroids without the consent of the ophthalmologist.

(Recorded according to Dr. Diep Huu Thang's opinion - HCMC Eye Hospital)