Progress on drug preparation extends life expectancy

Limiting the amount of calorie intake will slow down the aging process and prolong the life of people, but US scientists are studying a drug with the same effect without affecting the hobby and habits. each person's eating habits.

Pathologist Professor David Sinclair, head of Harvard Medical School's research team, said the "Sirtuin" protein, when activated, could help fight the body's aging mechanism and prolong people's lifespan.

According to him, so far there have been many studies of drug manufacture prolonging life expectancy, but the above work based on this finding is considered to be the most promising.

Picture 1 of Progress on drug preparation extends life expectancy Professor Sinclaire said limiting food intake, with calorie intake to 20 to 40% less than usual, will help slow the aging process, while reducing the risk of age-related diseases. old as cancer, cardiovascular, osteoporosis and neurodegenerative.

According to the professor, the drug his team is working on has the same effect without having to limit calories. This may be a breakthrough of medicine like the fact that scientist Alexander Fleming (England) found penicillin antibiotics in 1928.

Scientists' arguments for aging have changed drastically since the 90s of the last century. Previously, researchers believed that the human body is like a machine and will work poorly over time. According to them, it is impossible to find a drug that can prevent aging due to human age.

At the end of last year, US scientists also announced success in making SRT1720, a highly effective anti-aging drug, which was repeatedly tested successfully on mice.

The drug is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Sirtris and is believed to be able to activate receptors (receptor protein molecules attached to the cell membrane) like resveratrol, a chemical found in red wine, is likely ability to slow down the aging process.