Prospects to manufacture drugs

Both the human brain and the rat brain produce a gene called PKR when the onset of senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease).

Recently, scientists have discovered a gene that inhibits the release of PKR - a breakthrough that promises not only to reverse the course of age-related diseases, but also to help us improve. Significantly improves memory capacity.

Picture 1 of Prospects to manufacture drugs

Researchers at Baylor University (USA) discovered when mice ' PKR gene was inhibited, another immune molecule, called gamma interferon, increased communication between nerve cells, helping to improve mind. Remember and make your brain work more effectively. Gamma interferon can be activated with an injection containing a PKR inhibitor gene into the rat's abdomen, instead of conventional gene therapy that takes a long time. Experimenting with a series of memory tests showed that the mice without PKR could select models and remember them the first time, while the control mice needed days to complete the requirements. Not only that, mice with PKR gene deficiency also have better memory and learning ability.

The team thinks that this therapy can be applied in humans when scientists make a kind of 'brain medicine' that can treat Alzheimer's disease or simply to help boost memory.