Rare moths have yellow fur

The photographer specializing in natural life Jeff Cremer and biologist Phil Torres has been able to get this rare moth in the Amazon rainforest ...

The photographer who specializes in natural life Jeff Cremer and biologist Phil Torres has 'caught' this rare moth in the Amazon rainforest .

Picture 1 of Rare moths have yellow fur

Rare caterpillars with smooth fur.

When he saw the golden "thing" lying on the leaves, Jeff Cremer and Phil Torres had no idea what kind of creature it was. Phil replied to the press: 'During many years of practice, I have seen several types of moths with strange shapes, but this is definitely the most bizarre species I've ever seen. When I first saw it, I just thought it was something rough looking very funny. "

Photographer Jeff added: 'When we go on tours like this, we often bring tourists and other photographers to Amazon, looking for interesting and strange things. We went together a lot during the past 2 years, and have never seen anything as strange as this moth. "

After watching the photos and videos taken back, many of their friends didn't know what they were, and some said it was a tree, or a golden bird.

The caterpillar's coat consists of long hard hairs and smooth feathers, and it can cause skin swelling. If someone deliberately catches it, it will be poisoned by hard hairs secreted by the skin. However, this only hurts and does not harm your life.

Update 17 December 2018



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