Rare zebra donkey

A zebra mother has just been mating with her father to trick and produce a rare hybrid in Haicang Safari Park in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China.

Picture 1 of Rare zebra donkey

A zebra hybrid is a rare occurrence, so the product of their combination appears in the world very rarely.

Picture 2 of Rare zebra donkey

The offspring had the same fur as his father, but his legs had black stripes like his mother's.

Picture 3 of Rare zebra donkey

In 2010, a hybrid named Pippi was also a combination of zebra and donkey at Chestatee Wildlife Reserve, southern Georgia (USA).

Picture 4 of Rare zebra donkey

The image of two zebra mothers attracting a great deal of attention from zoologists and curious people to the park.