Record of eggs

Do not think eggs are fragile. Ostrich eggs can withstand up to 120 kg; an extinct bird has eggs weighing 12.5 kg and also has a heavy bird's egg that is only . 0.2 grams!

Eggs are considered to be the most fragile nature. But when people test African ostrich eggs, they can withstand up to 120kg! Of course, they are also the largest eggs: 1.5-2kg a fruit, and the shell volume is 280g. Each ostrich egg weighs 36 eggs.

The crocodile even though it can reach a mass of up to 1 ton, but their eggs do not match their stature at all, only as big as a goose egg.

Picture 1 of Record of eggs

Biggest and smallest (Photo: Softpedia)

The elephant bird (whose scientific name is Aepyiornis ), from Madagascar is the largest bird, but has become extinct by hunting during the seventeenth century. The eggs of this species are even larger than the ostrich eggs of Africa: weighing 12.5kg, 32cm tall and 22cm wide. And dinosaur eggs found in Argentina is 1.6m high, 80cm wide.

The smallest eggs in the world probably belong to the smallest bird. That is the Mellisuga hummingbird from Cuba. An adult bird with a weight of 1.8g will lay an egg weighing . 0.2g.

Kiwi birds are keeping records of egg production. A 2.5kg female bird lays an egg 450g. The ratio of egg and body mass is 20%, which is also the highest rate in the bird world. For example, chicken eggs only account for 4% of their body weight.

If you include the mass ratio of the egg to the body, the cuckoo's egg is the smallest: 2% of the body weight.

Scientists have investigated the relationship between the number of eggs in a single birth and the life of birds. Large birds prey on such as eagles or vultures, only one or two eggs at a time and only once every two years.

Giant penguins each lay an egg, and smaller species lay two eggs.

For birds that do not lay a fixed amount of eggs once, if we take one egg every day from its nest, it will continue to spawn.

Ordinary small owl breeds 406 eggs, but in 15 days they can lay up to 13 fruits. And the crooked bird has 7-10 eggs each time, but within 62 days they can lay up to . 62 fruits.

Each year quail can lay 300 eggs.

The largest egg nest in nature is probably the gray grouse: 20 fruits.

Picture 2 of Record of eggs
African ostrich eggs (Photo by Todd Gustafson)

The fastest brooding bird is the white-eyed bird: in just 10 days, other species like the great albatross or the kiwi are 85 days. Often larger birds will incubate longer.

The birds often lay eggs to hatch under the ground, the males often make mounds from the soil, dry leaves and sand. When raining down, decomposition of leaves will produce heat and is usually maintained at the required temperature of 34 degrees Celsius.

The mound for hatching eggs can be up to 1m high, 2 - 3m wide. The female birds lay eggs in the mound, and the male will take responsibility for maintaining the necessary temperature.

The chicks will have the eggs removed after 50-100 days of incubation.

In the case of white-headed ducks, their eggs can maintain their own temperature, so even if the eggs are not hatched for the last few days, the offspring can still be born.

An Australian bird named lyrebird, a bird with a U-shaped tail resembling a Greek antiquated herd usually nest in winter, lasts from May to October on snowy mountains. The female only lays an egg and only they will do the hatching. This bird's egg has a very good tolerance for cold .

Picture 3 of Record of eggs
Tailstock of bird eggs for incubating eggs (Photo: Allen Chartier)

Manh Duc