Recreate the dinosaur's walk after 94 million years

British scientists say they have used computers to reproduce ancient dinosaur steps for the first time by sweeping fossil bones nearly 40 meters long.

The University of Manchester experts created a digital version of the Argentinosaurus dinosaur that lived in the Cretaceous, and since then has made it the first step in more than 94 million years, UPI announced. of the university on October 30.

Working with Argentine scientists, a team of experts from the University of Manchester used a laser scanner to scan dinosaur fossil bones on display at a museum in South America.

Picture 1 of Recreate the dinosaur's walk after 94 million years
The fossilized skeleton of the world's largest dinosaur Argentinosaurus on display at a museum in Argentina - (Photo: University of Manchester)

Later, using advanced computer engineering models, scientists recreated the movement and running of Argentinosaurus dinosaurs and tested its mobility for the first time.

"If you want to know how dinosaurs walk, the best way is to simulate on a computer," said researcher Bill Sellers of Cambridge University (UK), adding, "This is the only way to have it. can combine all the different components we have about this dinosaur ".

Argentinosaurus is the largest animal that ever steps on the surface of the earth, and understanding how it moves can help us to know much about the maximum performance of the muscular and spine system. Long, Mr. Bill Sellers said.

Reportedly, Argentinosaurus species weigh up to 80 tons and some scientists expressed concern about its ability to move effectively due to the volume and size so "terrible". However, the results from the computer model have shown that the giant dinosaur can move at high speed, about 8km an hour.

"The new study demonstrates that this dinosaur is likely to have walked through the Cretaceous lands, where today is the Patagonia in South America," said researcher Lee Margetts, a member of the research team.