Redemption thanks to artificial rain technology

Cloud seeding is a technology to change the weather in certain areas, in order to increase rainfall and minimize damage such as drought or hail.

El Nino and drought are affecting many parts of the world, including Vietnam and Thailand.

In March, Thailand had to use the Royal Army aircraft to spray chemicals into clouds to make artificial rain, according to Thailand.

Picture 1 of Redemption thanks to artificial rain technology
The principle of artificial rain using silver iodine.(Photo: CBS News).

Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 88, is an enthusiastic supporter of this technology. He owns an international patent for Thai style rain technology, developed since 1969 and is loved by the people as the "Royal rain creator".

In addition to Thailand, California state of America on March 7 also made artificial rain, causing rainfall to increase by 15%. California is also facing a long drought caused by El Nino. They use static methods by spraying iodine silver onto the clouds.

The Department of Public Works (DPW) of Los Angeles County, California has spent up to 500,000 USD to hire contractors to spray chemicals to make rain.

"This is an extremely scientific method," Kerjon Lee, head of Los Angeles DPW, said, emphasizing the amount of rainwater is extremely safe, does not pollute water, according to CBS.

"Artificial rain is absolutely safe," Lee said."Based on 50 years of scientific research, it is estimated that we will have about 5.6 billion cubic meters of water a year."

According to the American Meteorological Association, this is a technology that changes the weather in certain areas, increasing rainfall, reducing the risk of hail, melting fog or saving the term.

Picture 2 of Redemption thanks to artificial rain technology
Thailand is facing the most severe drought in 21 years.(Photo: eThailand).

There are 3 main technologies for artificial rain: static, dynamic and hygroscopic, according to How Stuff Works.

Static method: dispersing chemicals such as iodine (AgI), Potassium iodine (KI) or dry ice (CO 2 crystals) to the cloud. These molecules will act as a condensate center for moisture in the clouds, making the process of water discharge from the cloud more effective.

Dynamic method: aims to push air currents straight up, pushing more steam into the cloud to turn into rain. Ice crystals form this way 100 times more than static methods.

However, it is more complicated, requiring 11 separate stages to complete well, according to William R. Cotton, professor of atmospheric science, Colorado State University, USA. Just one stage of the problem, the whole process will be ruined.

Desiccant method: Use flares or explosives to disperse salt into the bottom of warm clouds. The salt particles at the size of 0.5 - 10 micrometers will play a role in condensation, absorbing water and getting bigger. When it reaches the size of the water droplet, it will fall to form rain. According to Cotton, this method is very promising but also requires more research.