Russia is determined to prevent cosmic war

Russian General Vladimir Popovkin has warned that the country is ready to implement the necessary countermeasures if any country brings weapons to space. Although not referring to any particular country, the warning of Popovkin Commander is intended to imply a plan to put weapons on American space.

'We do not want to stir up war on the universe. We do not want to dominate the universe and do not allow any other country to do that, ' said Popovkin.

Picture 1 of Russia is determined to prevent cosmic war

Space war on film
(Photo: Employee)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has criticized that the plan to bring weapons to America's space could spark a new arms race. When China tested its anti-satellite missile in January 2007, President Putin said this was a move in response to the US plan to bring weapons to space.

In 2006, US President George Bush signed a decree allowing the United States to deploy weapons in space despite treaties that prohibit this. The US government also made clear the ambition of a missile defense system to be located in space to destroy satellites. The Pentagon is developing weapons that can shoot down satellites.

According to General Popovkin, Russia and China have drafted an international statement on the non-deployment of weapons in space and sent it to the United Nations (UN). However, so far the UN has been embarrassed around Russia and China 's proposal to ban weapons deployment into space.