Russia unearthed two intact dinosaur skeletons
Russian paleontologists have dug two dinosaur skeletons dating from about 100-200 million years but still in good condition.
Simulation graphics of the dinosaur Psittacosaurus sibiricus.(Photos: Wikipedia)
The team discovered two skeletons at a depth of 2.5m below the surface after three weeks of searching at the famous excavation site near Shestakovo village in Siberia, Russia.
"Two skeletons are intact and in excellent condition," AFP quoted the description of Olga Feofanova, the director of a local museum. Ms. Feofanova identified the fossils of the dinosaur Psittacosaurus sibiricus and said each skeleton was about two meters long. This species lives on earth about 100-200 million years ago.
"Very few people find such intact fossils. This is a global discovery , " the museum director said.
The search began in late May after Ms Feofanova's museum was allowed to excavate with paleontologists from Moscow. Local authorities said the two skeletons will be on display at the museum here.
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