Scary but beautiful natural phenomena

The world around us often happens with many natural statues which are very strange and beautiful, but sometimes they make us afraid and cause much damage to people.

Let's try to admire and feel the "horrific" beauty of these natural phenomena through the collection below, introduced by All-that-is-Interesting:

1. The phenomenon of fake sun

Picture 1 of Scary but beautiful natural phenomena

The fake sun phenomenon often appears as colorful light areas on the left or right side of the sun, 22 degrees from the sun and at the same height above the horizon with the sun. They are often seen on a ring or halo around the sun.

2. The tornado . fire

Picture 2 of Scary but beautiful natural phenomena

High from 10m to 50m, the vortex is formed by a unique air temperature and forms a flow with enough force to uproot a tree as high as 17m.

3. The phenomenon of princess butterfly migrating

Picture 3 of Scary but beautiful natural phenomena

Thousands of raised princess butterflies migrate each year to create picturesque and beautiful pictures, they migrate like birds from the North to the South. Until now, scientists have not been able to explain because they can go to the same place after each year.

4. Lightning strike

Picture 4 of Scary but beautiful natural phenomena

They often occur on stormy days or heavy rain. Sometimes they hit the densely populated area and cause great human and property damage

5. Rainbow fire

Picture 5 of Scary but beautiful natural phenomena

This is a rare natural phenomenon .

6. The clouds in the sky

Picture 6 of Scary but beautiful natural phenomena

They are also known as the Cloudy Cloud, signaling a bad weather coming .

The phenomenon below is called cloud phenomenon, they are formed when there is a change in temperature in the cloud.

Here is the phenomenon of bubble clouds, which is the formation of many bubbles shaped like bubbles

7. The phenomenon of mottling in ice sheets

Picture 7 of Scary but beautiful natural phenomena

These streaks form because the water above melts and flows down. After that it froze immediately.