Scientists have made permanent chewing gum with customized flavors

Japanese scientists made chewing gum with a customizable flavor. This can happen thanks to the piezoelectric effect.

Consumers can get almost any flavor of chewing gum - from mint, apple to barbecue and pizza.

Picture 1 of Scientists have made permanent chewing gum with customized flavors

When chewing, chewing gum has apple, pineapple, meat, chocolate flavor and any other food.

Japanese scientists made chewing gum with a customizable flavor. This can happen thanks to the piezoelectric effect.

This unusual gum was made by scientists at Meiji University in Japan and tested at a seminar in Germany. This product includes a material of ductility of regular gum. Before use, experts customize its taste with a special device. Next, when chewing, chewing gum has apples, pineapples, meat, chocolate and any other food.

This is possible due to the piezoelectric effect , when the electrodes operate on different parts of the tongue, causing taste. In fact, chewing gum does not taste, but our brain thinks candy has mint or watermelon flavor.

This gum is safe for the body, its lifespan lasts for many years, if not decades. In the future, Meiji University plans to launch this special chewing gum to the market.

Update 18 December 2018



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