Seaweed helps cure malignant cancer

Scientists have discovered a new compound in algae that has potential anti-cancer properties.

According to a team from the University of Oregon (USA), a compound called coibamide A in algae can resist two of the most severe forms of cancer, brain tumors and breast cancer, with three endocrine receptors. (triple negative breast cancer). Coibamide A has severed the ability to connect to blood vessels and other cells of cancer cells, triggering the death of diseased cells.

The discovery could lead to new drugs that help treat malignant cancers.

Picture 1 of Seaweed helps cure malignant cancer
Coibamide A compound in algae found to be able to fight two of the most severe forms of cancer are brain tumors and malignant breast cancer.

Dr. Jane Ishmael, head of the research team, stated: " There have been no drugs in clinical use or in any clinical trial that works in this way. We are using it tries to find a new way to activate cell death in cancer cells, which is still considered to be highly resistant to cell death. "

Coibamide A compound was first discovered by Dr. Kerry McPhail of the University of Oregon while diving in Panama's Coiba National Park eight years ago. The scientist collected samples of blue -green algae known as cyanobacteria and discovered that they are hybrid products of at least three algae that grow on rocks in areas with flowing water. fast. Similar algae communities are also found in the Red Sea and off the coast of South Africa.

Dr. McPhail isolated coibamide A from the original specimens and let it run through the screening system to find anti-cancer activity. The compound showed a type of activity unlike any other, implying it could fight cancer through an unprecedented mechanism in current pharmaceuticals.

The screening also revealed, coibamide A is capable of killing many types of cancer cells, especially malignant breast and brain cancer cells - glioblastoma.

Glioblastoma is very difficult to treat because tumors often develop very quickly and do not respond well to chemotherapy drugs. However, with animal brain tumors, coibamide A treatment significantly reduced the size of the tumor.