Secretly put the lyrics on the wings

Scientists have recently discovered in some birds, the sound they produce while flying is more like singing than the usual swarming calls.

Most birds can only sing when they are on a tree branch and make calls when flying. But recently scientists have discovered that in some birds, the sound they produce while flying is more like singing than the usual call . Scientists often refer to these birds as " artists of the sky ".

This is because songs often carry sacred, melodious and complex tones. Males use singing as a tool to attract mates and drive away intruders. Unlike the song, the call is a collection of more simple sounds and is used to communicate among the members of the instrument or a dangerous warning. Scientists are still arguing about the use of singing when flying, but the majority of comments suggest that the chicks use this song to guide the whole flock to slow down or lower.

Picture 1 of Secretly put the lyrics on the wings

Geothlypis trichas yellow neck spot (Photo: Greglasley)

These ' aerial tracks ' often appear in North American birds such as Nashville Warblers, Golden-necked Warbler (scientific name: Geothlypis trichas) or Brown Parrots (scientific name). Study: Calamospiza melanocorys). According to a 1991 study published by Cooper's Bird Research and Conservation Organization, the golden-necked prick is a bird with the richest language, they can use singing and calling both on the ground. no air, even the sounds they emit include gossip.

Although many scientists are still unsure about the use of these " air tracks ", a recently published study concluded that males use singing when flying to warn. with females about enemies, while attracting predators' attention to them.

Update 16 December 2018



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