Secrets of 'DNA' helps dinosaurs dominate Earth

Researchers at the University of Kent, UK, say they have discovered a genetic secret that could help dinosaurs dominate the Earth for 180 million years.

The team of scientists used algorithms to determine possible genetic characteristics of the first dinosaurs and reverse research from birds and turtles, the closest relatives of the dinosaurs. modern.

Picture 1 of Secrets of 'DNA' helps dinosaurs dominate Earth
The DNA of the dinosaurs is "folded" inside the chromosome.

The study, published in Nature Communications in May 2018, shows that birds today have DNA very similar to ancient dinosaurs . The researchers found that, like other animals, dinosaur DNA is arranged into blocks called chromosomes . They believe that organisms possess a large number of chromosomes, which can explain why they exist in many different shapes and sizes.

Professor Darren Griffin exchanged: 'We think it creates transformation. Possessing many chromosomes helps dinosaurs have the ability to confuse their genes and from there they can grow faster and survive long on the planet ".

Picture 2 of Secrets of 'DNA' helps dinosaurs dominate Earth
Scientists are trying to decode dinosaur DNA.(Illustration).

Researchers have ruled out that simply putting dinosaur DNA into the eggs of a distant relative will not produce a real dinosaur, although this may sound potential to create a dinosaur. Jurassic Park-style amusement park.

According to CNET, the researchers speculate that the way DNA sequences can 'provide a blueprint for the success of evolution' because it can create transformation and promote natural selection. . It may also be the reason why we see so many variations in birds today.

However, there is an 'event' that the dinosaurs could not overcome, that is the impact of the asteroid that wiped out all of them 66 million years ago.