Semen knows how to cook, play games, play trumpet

This 33-year-old chimp named Kanzi is living in a charity reserve in Iowa (Congo).

This 33-year-old chimp named Kanzi is living in a charity reserve in Iowa (Congo).

>>>Chimp "talk" with people

Chimp is a close relative of humans and this intelligent chimpanzee has changed the way people perceive the animal world.

Picture 1 of Semen knows how to cook, play games, play trumpet

Kanzi cooks food

Kanzi knew how to cook fire, make tools from stone, blow balloons and even know how to play harmonica. Not only that, the chimp also likes to play the role-playing game Pac-man and use computers to communicate. Through a computer keyboard, Kanzi will freely choose 400 symbols that represent objects and ideas to express their thoughts.

According to scientists who have studied chimpanzees for many years, Kanzi can 'say' 500 words (via a computer keyboard) and understand about 3,000 English words, equivalent to a 2 and a half year old child. . Moreover, he can pronounce some words like grape berries, bananas, eat, run, toys .

Although Kanzi has the ability to communicate with people, Kanzi is not very open to someone who has just met him for the first time, he does not like to chat and answer rhetorical questions.

Picture 2 of Semen knows how to cook, play games, play trumpet

Kanzi collect firewood from the kitchen

Scientists believe that the chimpanzee's vocabulary is increasing. Kanzi knows how to combine words to 'invent' new words. This chimpanzee's intelligence and loveliness made many people show interest, he was likened to the miracle of the animal world.

Update 16 December 2018



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