Seven extremely strange ways of making a mother

Every creature born in this world has a mother. But every animal's motherhood is not quite the same, there are even species that are motherly in very odd ways.

Every creature born in this world has a mother. But every animal's motherhood is not quite the same, there are even species that are motherly in very odd ways. Here are the most strange ways of motherhood in nature.


Picture 1 of Seven extremely strange ways of making a mother

Photo: Live Science

The hen takes seriously motherhood. Providing calcium to form eggshell to protect chicken embryos is a difficult task for them, and if they are not provided with enough calcium in the diet, they are ready to take calcium from their bones to support them. for eggshell formation.


Picture 2 of Seven extremely strange ways of making a mother

Photo: Live Science

Cuckoo has a very unique way to not be tired when looking after the young. The mother bird will sneak eggs into the nest of another bird. In this way, they deceive the other birds that carry their children.

Cuckoo eggs usually hatch first, and young cuckoo grow very fast. They push other babies out of the nest and cause them to die. The young cuckoo from there get the full care of the adoptive parents, so they have more chances of surviving.

Ants suck blood

Picture 3 of Seven extremely strange ways of making a mother

Photo: Live Science

Adetomyrma ants in Madagascar have a way of expressing their love for their babies very bizarre.

When the queen lays ant larvae, it and worker ants will bite a small hole in the larvae of ants and suck the blood from it (the blood is a circulating fluid in the larval ants, like blood in the cave mammals).

Scientists still cannot say exactly why this ant species does so. Interpreting is a social act of ants, and maybe this is a primitive illustration of that.

The ant larvae do not die from being sucked up, but this is really a way to raise monstrous beings.

Gray whale

Picture 4 of Seven extremely strange ways of making a mother

Photo: Live Science

Gray whales are very devoted to caring for young children. They cross thousands of miles from cold Arctic waters and rich plankton to tropical waters with little food in Mexico to give birth.

This trip leaves them away from food sources, but avoids the dangerous eels that often hunt baby whales. This safe sea also helps the whale to reliably consume nutritious milk containing up to 53% fat from their mother to form a thick fat layer before returning to the North Pole.

Like white bears, mother whales will have to starve for many months, while still providing adequate supply of milk for young fish, so they often reduce up to 8 tons of body weight during this time.


Picture 5 of Seven extremely strange ways of making a mother

Photo: Live Science

For many spiders, pairing and mating mean that their life is about to end.

In the Stegodyphus spiders, the mother spider's love is not just about keeping their nests constant. The female will spawn on the spider web and watch until the egg hatches.

When the baby spider comes out, the spider will eat a lot of things and then produce a nutrient-rich liquid for the baby spiders.

About a month later, when the big spider spider, mother spider will let them crawl on their body, use their poison to kill their mother. After that, the baby spiders will eat mama's spider meat. Then the spiders will turn to eat each other. Only some of the strongest children survived and then they left the spider web, starting their own lives.

Sea lice

For mating and childbirth, the sea lice have to undergo many pain. They will have to mate with male sea lice that can mate with 25 females at once.

The worst thing is that when the sea lice are ready to give birth, the baby sea lice will gnaw from inside their mother's body to open the way to the outside world.

Poison frog

Picture 6 of Seven extremely strange ways of making a mother

Photo: Live Science

Poison frogs are one of the most serious species of motherhood. Each time they lay only five eggs, and frogs will watch them until the eggs hatch into tadpoles.

Then, the mother frog will carry each tadpole on a tree about 100 feet high, and find each tadpole a standing water on the leaves, giving them a safe and toxic habitat. most established.

My mother raised the tadpoles by feeding them the eggs that she laid out but could not hatch, for a period of 6-8 weeks. Tadpoles in this way will mature without having to eat each other.

Update 16 December 2018



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