Sex-killing herbicides of male frogs

Common insecticides, such as atrazine herbicides, can cause the male frog's sex change to become female frogs that can reproduce normally, according to a new study.

Previously, a survey of American scientists showed that many male flower frogs in this country have lost their normal fertility. The reason is that the infused atrazine herbicide in water supplies alters their genital hormones (Some frogs are found to have both male and female genitalia).

But with more recent research, Dr. Tyrone B. Hayes, of the University of California (USA), the author of the study and colleagues showed that herbicides atrazin, commonly used for corn fields, have may affect the number of species of amphibians such as frogs and frogs.

Picture 1 of Sex-killing herbicides of male frogs

They brought 40 African male frog tadpoles to live in the water containing herbicide atrazine until they mature. Atrazine concentrations are used in the same experiment as in the natural environment. In addition, the scientists also fed 40 other male frogs in an environment without water atrazie as a control.

The results showed that all male frog tadpoles reared in non-atrazine water were still growing normally, while 10% of male frog tadpoles raised in atrazine-contaminated water environment developed into female frogs when grown. city. These frogs can mate and lay eggs normally.

The reason explained by the scientists is that herbicide atrazine reduces the amount of testosteron hormones, affects fertility and can cause sex change in male frogs.

The results of this study raises the question of how atrazine affects human health when we also have chromosomes similar to frogs.

"Reproductive impairment due to atrazine infection can affect the number of some amphibian species such as frogs and fish species. But we also need to study the effects on humans when drinking and bathing. Such water sources, ' Dr. Hayes warned.