Silence is better than listening to relaxing music

Turning off soothing music and resting quietly will be better for your health, claims Italian and British researchers.

Picture 1 of Silence is better than listening to relaxing music Quiet rest can be better for your heart (Photo: iStockphoto) Dr. Luciano Bernardi from Pavia University and colleagues asked 24 men, half of them composed music, listened to a random sequence of 6 the music piece is 2 minutes long. These include raga (Indian music); classical music is slow and fast; techno; music rap; and dodecaphonic.

The team then measured heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate and other indicators showing stimulation or relaxation. They repeated the experiment and inserted silence for 2 minutes.

The team found that most music types increased blood pressure and heart rate, and the faster the music, the stronger the effect. This influence does not seem to depend on the type of music. Therefore, fast classical music and techno all have the same reaction.

Slow music creates a more relaxing feeling. But in the silence, the breathing rate, heart rate and blood pressure of volunteers were even lower.

On the other hand, while slow songs provide a sense of relaxation, it is the logical transition between fast and slow rhythm and breaks that creates a more pleasant feeling and is probably better for health.

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