Smart Clock turns the arm into a touch screen

Researchers have unveiled a new smartwatch featuring finger-tracking technology that turns a person's arm into a touch screen.

Video introduces new smartwatch model turns arm or human hand into touch screen - (Source: ROBERT XIAO / YOUTUBE).

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have unveiled a smartwatch that they invented with an integrated laser projector that could turn the arm or wrist of a watchman into a watch. a touch screen.

LumiWatch , the name of the smartwatch, is the first smart watch to feature this. It uses a laser projector and an interactive sensor array covered in a 40cm 2 surface, roughly five times the surface size of a conventional smartwatch.

Picture 1 of Smart Clock turns the arm into a touch screen
LumiWatch runs on the Android platform and can connect to Bluetooth and wifi networks.

LumiWatch developers have released a video demonstrating how the new smartwatch works.

As a result, users can manipulate the arm with the swipe gesture to unlock the device, launch applications and even edit photos right on the arm.

It is estimated that the smartwatch will retail for about $ 600, much cheaper than many smartwatch models available on the market.