Specialties can be deadly

Puffer fish, live octopus, maggot cheese, giant cow frog . are some of the unique specialties that can make you lose your life when you taste it.

>> "Strabismus" with all kinds of trenches and sea creatures that advanced to the ancient king

Special but dangerous dishes

Picture 1 of Specialties can be deadly

Puffer fish (Japan ): If not processed properly (remove all the liver and ovaries), people eating puffer fish can die within a few hours. To prepare this food, Japanese chefs have to practice for 3 years . Shimonoseki is the biggest selling puffer fish market in Japan. Today you can buy in the supermarket.

Picture 2 of Specialties can be deadly

Puffer fish meat is not processed properly containing tetrodotoxin, paralyzing muscles, leading to suffocation . There is no antidote yet, but the survivor can survive if it is supported by mechanical breathing until the toxin dissolves. If you survive the first 24 hours after being poisoned, the chances of passing are relatively high.

Picture 3 of Specialties can be deadly

Sea crabs (Latin America) : Although cholera is treatable, remember the rule of ' cooking well, boiling, peeling ' when eating seafood. In the early 1990s, a group of tourists suffered from cholera due to eating crabs in Latin America . Shrimp, clams, oysters . can carry this virus. Cholera can be fatal if the victim loses too much water.

Picture 4 of Specialties can be deadly

Maggot cheeses Casu Marzu (Sardinia, Italy) : This hard-to-swallow specialty is made from sheep's milk, which tastes quite like Gorgonzola cheese. But if you look closer, you will see maggots swarming in cheese. This type of cheese has been banned by the EU, but those who like it claim that as long as the maggots are alive, the cheese is still edible . Currently in Sardinia, it is still 'understated ' Casu Marzu cheese. However, when you eat this scary specialty, maggots can survive and nest in your gut, causing vomiting, diarrhea and severe intestinal withdrawal before going out in the anal.

Picture 5 of Specialties can be deadly

Sannakji (Korean) Octopus: Nakji is a small octopus served in Japanese restaurants and Noryangjin fish market in Seoul. The tentacles are cut and eaten as soon as they are still struggling on the plate , or if more courageous, you can eat the whole child. The problem is that the suction cups on the tentacles still have the ability to stick very tightly in the mouth or throat, easily causing them to choke or suffocate. In Korea, about 6 people die every year because of this dish. If you are brave enough, chew well and drink plenty of water, avoiding eating it while you're drunk.

Picture 6 of Specialties can be deadly

Giant cow frog (Namibia ): It can be said that the reason French people like to eat frog thighs, only the thighs, are the rest of the frog (especially skin and viscera) can be toxic. However, frog meat is considered a specialty in Namibia. People here believe that when eating frogs after mating season, the amount of poison has decreased a lot . If you unfortunately eat the poisonous part, you may end up with Oshiketakata, a temporary kidney disease, need to go to the hospital immediately. Some cases were not promptly emergency died.

Picture 7 of Specialties can be deadly

Ackee County (Jamaica ): The red and black parts of this seed are very toxic, can be deadly . The yellow part inside is a popular food in Jamaica. If you eat the red and black parts, you will vomit, even death seizures due to a sharp drop in blood sugar.

Picture 8 of Specialties can be deadly The yellow part is used to make Jamaican specialties - Ackee nuts and salted braised fish.

Picture 9 of Specialties can be deadly

Silver striped Blaasop (Mediterranean countries) : Many Mediterranean fishermen have died from eating this fish. The toxins in their liver and reproductive organs can cause paralysis, shortness of breath and even death.