Spiders 'embarrassed' are rare in rotten coffins

Few doubts, rotten catacombs, lords in Highgate cemetery, north of London are inhabited by rare 'shy' spiders.

Picture 1 of Spiders 'embarrassed' are rare in rotten coffins
The "shame" spider lives in the crypt.

Because the tomb is seldom opened, this is the ideal shelter and breeding ground for dark-loving spiders.

Named the Egyptian Avenue, the tomb is located in the center of Highgate Cemetery. With 16 tunnels located on either side of a wide corridor, this is considered the pinnacle of burial art. Built hundreds of years ago, the Egyptian Avenue has long been buried without more people. For that reason, spiders of light may have lived here more than 150 years ago.

Although it is only 30mm long, the newly discovered spider species is still listed as the largest in the UK. The main food of 'shy' spiders is small insects that live in dark, damp areas. Also at this cemetery, zoological experts have discovered 227 other species that have never been recorded in the area.

The size is considered large in the UK but the "shame" spider is completely harmless to humans. They are even more helpful because insects and pests are the main food of this animal. The reason is that they are rarely detected by dark, humid habitats, where humans always try to stay away.