Start the bus test run

Buses operating both land and water are being tested in the UK.

>> Wading bus conquered the world

Picture 1 of Start the bus test run

Amphibus can reach speeds of up to 15 km / h under water. Picture: Danny Lawson .

Telegraph says Stagecoach in the UK yesterday began testing amphibus - a bus designed to float on the water. If tested successfully, amfibus will serve people from Renfrew to Glasgow's Yoker district from late March. Each of these buses will cost $ 980,000.

Currently floating buses - built in the Netherlands - serve travelers on short distances. It is capable of carrying 50 people. Brian Souter, managing director of Stagecoach, said that in the coming time Britain will be the first country to have an amphibious bus service.

"This is a great demonstration of the potential of vehicles capable of utilizing the river," Souter said.

Amphibus has a fuselage-like structure underneath it to help it float in water. It can travel at 15 km / h under water, and the maximum speed on land is 96 km / h.

In the test yesterday, amfibus encountered minor technical problems after plunging into the water a second time. So the test had to be postponed for the car repair engineers.

'The driver detects the braking system has problems. An airbag has left, ' said a spokesman for Stagecoach.

A spokesman for Stagecoach said the new bus will continue testing today.