Successfully code the DNA of the oldest mummy in the world

An international team of scientists has succeeded in decoding the DNA of the world's oldest mummy ever discovered.

Picture 1 of Successfully code the DNA of the oldest mummy in the world

After nearly 20 years, scientists have finally deciphered successfully
DNA of "ice man" Oetzi. (Photo: Telegraph)

Nearly 20 years after Oetzi - the oldest mummy in the world - was discovered in a melting glacier on the Alps, scientists successfully decoded DNA from a piece of pelvis and from there Identify all genetic information of this mummy.

It is known that the Oetzi mummy was identified by a shepherd and dated about 5,300 years ago, discovered in September 1991 with a height of about 1.68 m and a weight of about 58 kg. Currently this mummy is on display at a museum in Bolzano (Italy).

Dr. Albert Zink, director of the Mummy Research Institute in Bolzano, said the newly discovered information about the DNA of Oetzi mummies could help to shed light on transmission information related to common diseases. now like diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

"Some of the genetic changes that we know are related to diseases like cancer and diabetes. Therefore, the successful decoding of the DNA of Oetzi mummies can help us know the genetic changes on there. existed in this mummy or not, has appeared in recent generations , 'said Dr. Albert Zink.

After conducting some DNA comparisons, Dr. Albert Zink said his team did not find that Oetzi had a relationship with people living around the mummy found. However, he believes that determining the entire genetic information of Oetzi mummy will be an important premise for further research.

(Source: Telegraph)