Successfully produced artificial milk

American bioengineers have successfully developed the first artificial milk with genetic technology in an effort to disseminate artificial food preparations to replace natural products.

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Earlier this year, two biological engineers in California, USA, Perumal Gandhi and Ryan Pandya launched a biological project called Muufri (read Moo-free ) with the aim of creating an artificial milk from Programmed yeast. Currently the project has been successful and is planning to launch this product to the market next year.

Picture 1 of Successfully produced artificial milk
American biological engineers have successfully created artificial milk.

The Muufri project launched this artificial milk with the aim of creating a milk that is perfectly healthy for the health while preserving the natural and delicious taste of milk.

There is no known fact that the dairy industry with cow farms is responsible for 3% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions every year. At the same time, the cost of handling cows' waste and avoiding environmental pollution is also a big problem. Cow's milk is also not completely good if they are raised on farms with poor nutrition, hormonal abuse and antibiotics.

Meanwhile, the creation of artificial cow's milk by biologists in California is quite simple. With 87% water, they only have to add the remaining 13% with about 20 types of ingredients.Muufri artificial cow milk will consist of six proteins to help form similar structures of milk and eight different fatty acids to provide flavor and fatness.

Picture 2 of Successfully produced artificial milk
With artificial milk, biological engineers can fully control the nutritional composition.

The way to produce this kind of artificial milk has actually been used for a long time to produce insulin by pharmaceutical companies. DNA types similar to cow's milk are separated in a certain sequence, then cultured in biological yeast cells. These biological yeast blocks will be cultured in industrial petri dishes at the appropriate temperature and concentration. Within a few days, yeast will produce sufficient quantities for milk production.

The potential of this milk is extremely large, not only minimizing the amount of greenhouse gas, the amount of waste, but also the promising milk sold for cheaper, more quality, suitable for both vegetarians because of There is no real animal protein.

For Muufri, scientists can customize the composition of milk such as controlling the amount of protein or minerals, calcium in milk, bringing them to a reasonable rate without any natural milk being made.

This group of biological engineers is working to bring products into the market next year.

Reference: Mirror