'Super virus' is spreading rapidly

' Viruses ' containing NDM-1 enzymes are at risk of becoming a demand threat as they continue to spread in many countries around the world.

Picture 1 of 'Super virus' is spreading rapidly
" Super virus " is becoming a global threat. (Photo: Internet).

After the first detection of 'viral' cases, many other countries around the world have recorded cases of this multi-drug resistant bacterium. Following more than a hundred cases of the first detection in India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, more than 170 cases were detected in the UK. And soon afterwards, a series of countries such as Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, France, Germany, Japan . all recorded the first cases of this bacterium.

And most recently, this type of virus has attacked North America.

On September 13, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the discovery of three cases of NDM-1-containing bacteria in three US states. Three patients from California, Massachusetts and Illinois (USA) have been to India, of which two have been hospitalized for treatment in India.

According to a CDC official, the virus in the three newly discovered patients in the United States is resistant to all antibiotics, including the strongest antibiotic groups .

Meanwhile, in Canada, two other cases living in Alberta and British Columbia also found infection with the bacterium after returning from India. Currently, doctors here are treating these two patients by using a combination of different antibiotics.

The latest cases of infection have caused ' viruses ' to become a global hot spot. During the Interdisciplinary Conference on Antimicrobial and Chemical Therapy Agents held in Boston, USA from the last 12-14 years, scientists have confirmed that ' virus ' is a full threat. bridge.

Many experts affirmed that the disease could break out on a large scale in India and spread rapidly to other countries in many different ways. According to the experts, unlike the drug-resistant bacteria that have emerged over the past 20 years, NDM-1 enzymes pose a particular concern. The reason is that NDM-1 'is extremely versatile, capable of jumping from bacteria to other bacteria ' .

However, until now, scientists have yet to assess how specific the spread of this virus is. And in the current situation, scientists can only call on people to raise awareness and strictly implement preventive measures such as keeping hands and feet clean and body clean because this type of bacteria is often spread infected from hand to mouth.