The tropical region is spreading

The tropics on Earth are spreading rapidly and more research is needed to help people adapt. Australian experts proposed.

In a collection of more than 70 scientific articles, environmentalists Professor Steve Turton and Dr. Joanne Isaacs, James Cook University in Cairns emphasized the risk of spreading in the tropics.

Professor Turton, who has long pursued this research topic, directly observed phenomena from meteorological balloons, analyzed satellite images, recorded sea surface temperatures and summarized climate models. concluded that in the past 25 to 30 years, the tropics are spreading between latitudes 2 and 3 in both hemispheres . He said: ' In such a short period of time the tropics have expanded from 300 to 500km '.

Picture 1 of The tropical region is spreading

According to Professor Turton, this phenomenon has a multifaceted effect, from agriculture, health, to tourism, and research is needed to cope with the ongoing climate change.

" The tropics are home to half of the world's population, 80% of biodiversity and also where the mortality rate of children is very high, the rate of diseases (tropical diseases) is high. as the world's poorest region makes only about 20% of the total global product value. 'He added: 'Australia is the first country in the world affected by this phenomenon but investment in research is too little. '.

" About half of Australia is in the tropics and this rate is increasing, but the budget for tropical medicine is not adequate, still too small for the whole industry ."