Symptoms of asthma

What early symptoms signal relapse of asthma? When to call a doctor? .

Symptoms of asthma:

Picture 1 of Symptoms of asthma - Chest tightening or increased chest pressure
- Rapidly breath
- Wheezing (whistling sound when breathing out)
- Cough, especially at night

Early signs of an asthma attack are about to begin:

- Start coughing
- They are often, especially at night
- Need to use nasal spray
- Can't breathe

Call a doctor if:

- You or someone in the early stages of asthma. Because the disease will quickly become serious if not treated quickly and appropriately.

- Breathing aids (usually albuterol) are ineffective (do not reduce symptoms within 20 minutes).

- You or someone who has asthma can't say a whole sentence. Some of the other manifestations of flared nostrils, the skin in the area of ​​the ribs is tightly absorbed after each breath; The lips or skin under the fingernails become gray or blue-green. These are signs that patients lack oxygen, call an emergency immediately.