Eating apples during pregnancy helps your baby avoid asthma

According to a new study, women who eat apples during pregnancy can protect their children from asthma and related symptoms.

SM Willers of Utrecht University - the researcher, and researchers from the Netherlands and Scotland, followed the diet of more than 2,000 women and examined 1,253 lung health conditions. their kids.

At 5 years of age, 162 children (12.9%) had wheezing in the previous year, and 145 children (11.6%) were confirmed by their doctors to have asthma.

According to the report of the research group published in Thorax medical journal , among the foods that pregnant women have eaten and recorded, only the apple shows that it is related to child protection. from wheezing and asthma symptoms . Willers and colleagues said this is a new finding.

Picture 1 of Eating apples during pregnancy helps your baby avoid asthma (Photo: Vegetarianwomen) Researchers have found that babies of mothers who ate more than 4 apples per week had a 37% less chance of wheezing and 53% less likely to have asthma than their children. mothers only eat one apple a week or do not eat any fruit during pregnancy.

According to the researchers, the characteristic association is found here - that is, the relationship with apples, not the total amount of fruit used, or the consumption of sour fruits, fruit juices or Vegetables have suggested that apples have a specific effect. It may be due to plant chemical ingredients such as flavonoids, which have been shown to have beneficial effects on adult lung function.

The study also found that eating fish during pregnancy can reduce the risk of eczema - a type of skin allergy - in children. Children of mothers who ate fish at least once a week during pregnancy had a 43% lower risk of eczema than mothers of mothers who did not eat fish.

Researchers said: 'If these results are confirmed, advice on changing diets during pregnancy can help protect children from asthma and allergies.'

Linh Anh