Eating apples helps people extend their life by 17 years

British scientists from Norwich Food Research Institute claim that apples can help people last up to 17 years.

The scientists say eating apples regularly contributes to longevity, while helping the body avoid premature aging.

Picture 1 of Eating apples helps people extend their life by 17 years According to the researchers, the composition of apples, especially wild apples, has a large amount of carbolic acid. This is an important ingredient that is useful for blood circulation, enhances the body's ability to protect the immune system and makes the heart healthier.

In addition, carbolic acid also helps reduce up to 21% of the hardening of blood vessel walls. This is one of the main causes of heart disease, infarction or stroke.

From test results based on volunteers who regularly eat apples or drink fresh apple juice, the scientists confirmed that the cardiovascular system and the body of the participants were rejuvenated for at least 17 years.

However, researchers have not yet been able to determine how many apples to eat to get that result.

In fact, apples are still considered a very good fruit for human health, especially for people with rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis, chronic eczema and other skin diseases. .

Apples also contribute to enhance vision, skin and hair. In addition, this fruit contains some substances that can help the body absorb iron better from other foods.