Eating apples, do not throw away the shell

An apple every day helps you stay away from the doctor, provided you have to eat the apple shell. Scientists have found that the apple shell contains up to six times the amount of chemical ingredients that can fight high blood pressure, which can be life threatening.

Apples have long been known as a natural antioxidant and contain many chemical compounds called flavanoid. All of these substances are good for the heart.

Picture 1 of Eating apples, do not throw away the shell

However, researchers at Nova Scotia Agricultural University (Canada) said that those who cut the apple shells before eating will lose most of the health benefits of this fruit.

They tested the shell and apples separately on an enzyme called ACE. This enzyme is thought to cause high blood pressure in humans.

Experts found that apple peels are very effective in inhibiting ACE in living organisms. Apple peel contains six times more flavanoid than apple meat and has a higher antioxidant content.

In tests, apple peels are also more effective than other famous 'superfoods' extracts such as green tea and blueberries, as well as plant extracts.

The results also show that although all fruits contain a certain level of flavanoid, few are comparable to the effect of apple shells.

The research results have been published in the Food Chemistry Journal.