Exercising during pregnancy helps your baby get better

According to a recent study by the University of Auckland, New Zealand, children born will be healthier and less likely to be obese if pregnant mothers regularly exercise.

Picture 1 of Exercising during pregnancy helps your baby get better

Regular exercise during pregnancy helps your child be healthier.Photo: Internet .

Scientists have found that exercising by cycling 5 times a week for mothers during pregnancy will reduce the weight of babies by about 140 grams. Although the reduction is not much, this is enough to help children reduce their risk of obesity and some health problems when they grow up.

"Our research shows that the daily exercise of pregnant mothers has a significant impact on the development of the fetus. This is evident when the babies of mothers regular exercise has a lower weight than the children of non-exercise mothers , 'said Paul Hoffman, head of the study.

The study was conducted with 84 pregnant women for the first time. Pregnant mothers are randomly divided into 2 groups. The scientists then asked a group to exercise for 40 minutes a day for 5 days a week until the baby was 36 weeks old. Meanwhile, the other group still had normal activities.

The results showed that women who regularly ride during pregnancy give birth more solid and smaller than those of women who do not regularly exercise. Specifically, 2 days after giving birth, the children of mothers apply regular exercise regime from 50 grams to 250 grams.

Previous scientific studies have also demonstrated that obese mothers during pregnancy, their babies born are at high risk of health problems, especially obesity.

Therefore, health experts recommend that pregnant women should exercise regularly. However, heavy physical education should be avoided to avoid danger. According to scientists, fitness is considered appropriate for pregnant women including: bicycles, yoga, swimming, running, .

Source: Daily Mail