Symptoms of mercury poisoning and how to prevent it

Mercury is a bioaccumulating toxin that can seriously affect human health. So how dangerous is mercury poisoning and is there any way to handle it safely?

Mercury is a bioaccumulating toxin that can seriously affect human health. So how dangerous is mercury poisoning and is there any way to handle it safely?

Mercury exists in many forms, insoluble in water and can evaporate relatively easily at room temperature, often used in many types of thermometers, blood pressure meters and some other scientific equipment. In nature, mercury is present in some saltwater and freshwater fish species, especially large fish at the top of the food chain such as swordfish, sea bass, sharks, etc.

The cause of mercury poisoning

Mercury poisoning is a type of heavy metal poisoning from the environment, occurs when the body swallows, inhales or hits mercury in varying degrees and has certain health effects.

The most common cause of mercury poisoning in adults is due to excessive consumption of organic mercury or mercury in the form of methyl salts, often associated with seafood consumption.

In addition, children are also very vulnerable subjects to mercury poisoning. Mercury poisoning in children is largely due to a broken thermometer. Mercury in the thermometer is a pure form of mercury that can easily lead to poisoning when ingested.

Picture 1 of Symptoms of mercury poisoning and how to prevent it

Inhalation of mercury causes severe acute lung disease.

Signs of mercury poisoning and harm

Depending on the form of mercury (Hg) causing poisoning, the duration, intensity of exposure and some physical conditions, clinical manifestations of poisoning vary. Inhalation of elemental Hg and ingestion of inorganic Hg cause acute poisoning, while exposure to organic forms such as ingestion of fish containing Hg often causes chronic poisoning.

  • Inhalation of mercury causes severe acute lung disease . The first symptom is fever caused by metal smoke including fever, chills, shortness of breath. Other symptoms include: stomatitis, drowsiness, convulsions, vomiting and enteritis. These symptoms usually subside within 1 week. However, in some cases, the condition worsens acute pulmonary edema, respiratory failure and death.
  • Chronic poisoning caused by inhalation of mercury causes the classic triad : gingivitis and salivation, hand tremor and neurological disorders. Children often lose sleep, often forget, unstable psychology, poor appetite, sadness.
  • Ingestion of inorganic mercury (typically a battery) causes burns to the oral mucosa, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting of blood. After a few days, acute renal tubular necrosis, causing kidney failure, water and electrolyte disorders can be fatal.
  • Eating foods containing organic mercury such as marine fish causes chronic poisoning, which can occur after days to weeks.
  • Neurological manifestations are paresthesia, ataxia, neurasthenia, hearing impairment, dysarthria, narrowing of the market, mental disorders, muscle tremors, movement disorders and death. In particular, very toxic to the fetus whose mother regularly eat marine fish containing a lot of mercury causing miscarriage, neurological defects, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, limb deformation.

Note: Because mercury is highly toxic, physicians recommend that people take extreme care when using mercury-containing medical equipment, especially when using mercury thermometers on children.


The initial treatment for Hg poisoning is similar to other poisonings, and it must be quickly assessed for respiratory, circulatory status. Eliminate toxins in the skin by removing contaminated clothing, skin, and eyes if infected.

Poisoning by swallowing does not induce vomiting nor gastric lavage, due to the risk of gastric and esophageal perforation. Do not use activated carbon due to no metal adsorption effect.

In case of inorganic Hg poisoning should be infused to prevent cardiovascular collapse. If damage to the oropharynx mucosa causes excessive edema, intubation should be avoided to prevent respiratory obstruction.

When systemic symptoms are indicative of the conversion of organic Hg into inorganic in the body, specific antidote must be used immediately.


Because of the health effects of Hg exposure, there is a need to limit the release of Hg-containing waste to the environment, to control the threshold for exposure to different forms of Hg to prevent Hg poisoning. in environment.

Regulations restricting fragile Hg products, medicinal products, and powders in ingredients containing Hg to limit the risk of children being exposed to Hg.

To prevent children from swallowing Hg at home, parents are careful with Hg thermometers: do not place on tables, shelves in sight, reach of children. Do not allow children to play with the thermometer. When measuring a child's temperature, always stand by his / her side and observe throughout the measurement period, until a temperature is obtained. Store the thermometer in a locked, high-latching cabinet.

If a child is found to swallow Hg in a thermometer, the parents should absolutely not sore the throat, induce vomiting because it will cause dangerous complications for the child's health. If you do not inhale, simply monitor the child's stool for a few days to determine and assess the amount of Hg swallowed.

Note for children to eat well to avoid constipation.

  • Handling when the thermometer breaks to avoid mercury poisoning
  • Causes of lead and mercury poisoning are at home
Update 29 August 2019



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