Don't warn about an upcoming post-antibiotic era - it has already happened, here, right now.
Outterson's fear at this time is that the number of people who die from antibiotic resistance may have to climb to a very high level, before causing the attention of the majority
British scientists have discovered that a common drug that seems to be unrelated to sexual diseases may promise to repel super-resistant gonorrhea.
Infants and young children under 2 years of age who get treated with antibiotics too soon will have a higher risk of becoming obese later.
A recent report from the World Bank (World Bank) also identified the world economy will be significantly affected if the situation of antibiotic lubricants is not resolved
The rate of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is climbing an alarming level due to abuse of antibiotics as well as overdose.
While developed countries still use generation 1 antibiotics, Vietnam has used antibiotics of generations 3 and 4.
The danger we have here is the antibiotic resistant bacteria - the nightmare of humans.
Misperceptions in the community about antibiotics are helping the actions
In 1928, Alexander Fleming, a scientist from Scottland, was experimenting with flu viruses. When he rummaged through the experimental plates full of different bacteria he