Any action movie has always had some spectacular explosions. However, in fact there are many different types of explosives and some of them are more 'terrible' than what we often

The universe does not appear silently that through an explosion! At least, that's what we often hear: The universe and everything in the universe came into being at the time of

After decades of questions, scientists have finally detected the signals of early stars and this is considered to be the biggest astronomical breakthrough ever.

What is the universe? A great question has been asked before mankind for centuries. In ancient China, the philosopher Lao Tzu gave the universe an existence

For the first time astronomers discovered gravitational waves that bounced back from a collision between two black holes more than a billion years ago.

If you can compress the entire history of nearly 14 billion years of space in a year, modern humans (Homo sapiens) will appear on the last day of the year at 23:53.

The black hole is about the same size as the atomic nucleus, the galaxy

For the first time, astronomers have

The European Astronomical Authority (ESO) on October 3 announces ALMA - the world's largest telescope, can observe the universe from dust and gas particles that form stars and

On Monday, December 6, 2010, scientists stopped all experiments on the world's largest particle accelerator LHC. On the website of the LHC, there are large words