Located in our genes is a 'clock' that controls when we sleep, when we wake up and when we eat.
This is astonishing, a difficult question to answer to local people when they witness an apple tree fruit in January of the coldest decade of the decade.
Life on a height of 4,900 m forces Tibetans to evolve very quickly to survive.
French scientists at the National Center for the first time produced electricity from a cactus that could light a light bulb.
American scientists from Chapel Hill Sub-University, University of North Carolina, said they found calcium atoms could control bacterial activity.
British scientists have suggested considering a global patent for the type of hemoglobin, an important component in the blood they create.
The world's first humanized camel was born at the camel reproduction center in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) weighing 30 kg.
On April 22, Korean scientists announced that they cloned a pig to get transgenic transplanted organs for humans.
Korean scientists have successfully cloned four dogs capable of emitting red light in the dark.
Isolongifolenone, a natural compound found in Tauroniro (Humiria balsamifera) in North America, is found to be able to block mosquitoes and lice.