The vaporized heat causes hot steam to contain more heat energy and cause more severe burns than boiling water.
Scientists used a powerful X-ray to perform a test of a strange state of water
According to an old folk tale, there was a wife while cooking, she noticed that when adding salt to a pot of water placed on the stove, the water boiled faster than usual.
Deep in the Arctic Circle, scientists have discovered columns of hot liquid spraying on the sea floor at twice the boiling temperature of water.
Did you know, in space, the candle flame burns in a sphere? People sweat more on earth? ...
The secret will give you ways to handle emergency water after storms and floods ...
Cyclohexane is poured into a flask in a vacuum state. When the pressure in the flask decreases, the cyclohexane on the surface begins to freeze and the liquid beneath the boiling,
Knowing that eating apples daily can reduce the risk of premature death from cancer and prolong life but many people still fear apples sprayed with preservatives.
According to the Nature report, experts from King Abdullah's University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia) have invented a new nanomaterial that is capable of disappearing
Snow Energy charging devices do not use electricity, and you can take it with you wherever you go, whether it's climbing or going to the beach.